Ages: 4 1/2 yr. olds through 4th Grade
Children's Liturgy of the Word - CLOW: To allow our young children to learn and understand more about the Mass, St. Catharine offers Liturgy of the Word for children during the 10:00 a.m. Mass. This parish ministry takes place twice a month from October to April and every Sunday during Advent and Lent. All children 4 ½ years old through fourth grade are invited to join and are led out of the Church by our leaders and brought to Community Hall where they hear the Gospel for the day and are taught a lesson to help them understand it.
We can always use parent helpers and parents to help lead/teach the children! If you are interested in participating in this valuable experience, please reach out to our office or contact us via email at [email protected].
click the button below for the 2024-2025 Schedule