This group provides Hospitality after Sunday liturgies from September through May. It is a way to not only serve fellow parishioners but to get to know the “names behind the faces” of the people of the parish.
Ways you can help may involve volunteering in the following capacities:
Setting up tables with tablecloths and bagels, butter, cream cheese and donuts
Making coffee
Picking up non-perishable supplies (paper goods, sugar, tea, apple juice)
Cleaning up after the noon Mass is over
Picking up milk, orange juice and half and half
Scheduling who is responsible for each week
Commitments of time and scheduling are very flexible. Please consider signing up to help on Sundays from 9:30-1:30pm. The work includes stocking the bagels, munchkins and beverages before the 10:00 and 12:00 Mass and cleaning up after the last Mass crowd leaves. This is a great opportunity for family, friends, high schoolers, scout groups and church groups to give back to St. Catharines. We need your help to keep Coffee and Community alive!