Thank you for showing an interest in volunteering at Academy of Our Lady or St. Catharine Church.
The Archdiocese of Newark’s Safe Environment Policy has 3 requirements for all volunteers and employees (18 years and older) who work with children in any programs sponsored by St. Catharine Church or Academy of Our Lady. This includes: classroom, lunch & library volunteers, class parents, HSA members, coaches, Scout leaders, CCD teachers & aides, CYO chaperones, etc.
These volunteers need to contact Maryann King (201-445-3703 or [email protected]) for their original VIRTUS ‘User ID’, which is needed to register for another workshop. DO NOT sign up for a new ‘User ID’; this creates a duplicate account and complicates re-certification. You may attend either PGC again or you may choose the condensed re-certification class, “Keeping the Promise Alive Recertification Training”.
Complete a Volunteer Application and the 2019 Archdiocesan Code of Conduct
The 2 required forms are available at the rectory and online. Please fill out the Volunteer Application in its entirety – especially pages 5&6 with appropriate initials and signatures.
Complete a Criminal Background Check
Once the required paperwork is completed and returned to the rectory office, your information will be sent to the Archdiocese Office of Child and Youth Protection (OCYP). They will run your background check. When it is completed, the volunteer will receive a letter from the Archdiocese informing them. There is no cost to you for this. Background checks are valid for 5 years.
Please contact our Local Safe Environment Coordinators, Maryann King or Judy Zied at the Rectory with any questions (201-445-3703 or parishoffice@